Set up Order Number Customiser in the Magento backend

Click on System > Configuration > Fooman Extensions > Order Number Customiser to get started.

We indicate which features are available on which version of Fooman Order Number Customiser in the following way: (v1.0.0+).

1. General Settings

Activate Extension (1.0.0+)

Select “Yes” to activate the Fooman Order Number Customiser extension.


2. Order / Invoice / Shipment / Credit Memo Settings

Individually configure custom order, invoice, shipment and credit memo numbers using these settings. After making any changes, press “save configuration”.

You might want to have different settings for order, invoice, shipment and credit memo numbers (for example, by using prefixes for easy document identification). 

Or simply keep the same settings for all document numbers.

Custom Order/Invoice/Shipment/Credit Memo Format (1.0.0+)

Enter a name for the Order/Invoice/Shipment/Credit Memo, using any combination of free text, numbers and {} commands.

The following {} commands can be used:


  • Same order number command
  • Will use the order number as the number for all invoices, shipments and/or credit memos associated with the same order (e.g. for order #1000, the associated invoice would be #1000, the shipment #1000, and the credit memo also #1000)
  • Note: This command can be used for the Invoice, Shipment and Credit Memo settings only, and is available from v1.0.6+
  • Example: Invoice-{ORDERID} becomes Invoice-0001 (where 0001 is the associated order number)


  • Automatic sequential numbering command
  • This command will be auto-replaced by a sequential number determined by the following settings: Increment Per Store, Use Store ID Prefix, Increment Pad Length, Increment Step, Next Order / Invoice / Shipment / Credit Memo Number (refer to page 6 onwards)
  • Example: FOO-{ID} becomes FOO-06501


  • This command will be auto-replaced by the order date/time, in the following default format: d-F-Y-H:i (30-October-2012-15:40)
  • Example: FOO-{DATE} becomes FOO-30-October-2012-15:40


  • This command will be auto-replaced by the order date/time in a custom format. Replace ** with any combination of the following:

D – day in short form (eg. Fri)

d – day in digits (eg. 30)

M – month in short form (eg. Jan, Feb...)

m – month in double digit numbers (eg. 01, 02...)

n – month in single digit numbers (eg. 1, 2...11, 12)

F – month written in full (eg. January, February...)

Y – year in four digits (eg. 2012)

y – year in double digits (eg. 12)

H – hour in 24 hour clock (eg. 15)

i – minute in digits (eg. 10)

S – second in digits (eg. 25)

/ : - . may all be used as separators

  • Example 1: FOO-{ID}-{DATE:Y/M/d} becomes FOO-06501-2012/10/30
  • Example 2: FOO-{ID}-{DATE:F:Y} becomes FOO-06501-October:2012

Duplicate Identifier Commands

Magento requires each order number to be unique. In the event of duplicate order numbers (such as those based around a date, without any further sequential number), a duplicate separator and unique sequential number will be automatically added. You can also choose to manually configure a duplicate separator, using the following commands:


  • This command will be auto-replaced by the character specified in the “Duplicate Separator” setting (page 8)


  • This command will be auto-replaced by a sequential number with the length of padding specified in the “{DUPID} Padding Length” setting (page 8)
  • Example: FOO-{DATE:Y-M-d}{DUPSEP}{DUPID} becomes FOO-2012-10-30/001

Differentiating Document Types

Individual documents may be customised through using different prefixes or any other desired identifier, for example (but not limited to):

  • ORDER for order
  • INVOICE for invoice
  • SHIP for shipment
  • CREDIT for credit memo

Increment Per Store (1.0.0+)

When set to “Yes”, order numbers will be differentiated for each separate Magento store, using the internal Magento store ID number as a prefix. For example:

  • Store 1: 1000001, 1000002...
  • Store 2: 2000001, 2000002...
  • Store 3: 3000001, 3000002...

For this setting to take effect, you must use the {ID} command in the “Order/Invoice/Shipment/Credit Memo Format” setting. This setting must be used for all stores – individual stores can not be left out. If you are running this setting with one store only, the default setting will always use 1 as the prefix.

When set to “No”, order numbers from separate Magento stores will be assigned according to the same {ID} sequence, and not differentiated by store. For example:

  • 000001 (Store 1), 000002 (Store 3), 000003 (Store 1), 000004 (Store 2), 000005 (Store 2), 000006 (Store 1)...

Use Store ID Prefix (1.0.0+)

This setting is only applicable if the Increment Per Store setting (above) is set to Yes.

When set to “Yes”, the store ID will be used as the prefix for order numbers. For example:

  • Store 1: 1000001, 1000002...
  • Store 2: 2000001, 2000002...
  • Store 3: 3000001, 3000002…

When set to “No”, the store ID will not be used as the prefix for order numbers. For example:

  • Store 1: 000001, 000002...
  • Store 2: 000001, 000002...
  • Store 3: 000001, 000002...

To make this number more useful and to avoid duplicates, you can then assign a prefix or other unique store identifier using a multi store set up. For example:

  • Store 1: FR-000001, FR-000002...
  • Store 2: EN-000001, EN-000002...
  • Store 3: DE-000001, DE-000002...

Increment Pad Length (1.0.0+)

This refers to the minimum number of additional zeros assigned to each order number as “padding”, until the order number becomes higher than the chosen increment pad length. For example:

  • 3 = 001, 012, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456
  • 4 = 0001, 0012, 0123, 1234, 12345, 123456
  • 6 = 000001, 000012, 000123, 001234, 012345, 123456

For this setting to take effect, you must use the {ID} command in the “Order/Invoice/Shipment/Credit Memo Format” setting.

Note: When the “Increment Per Store” setting (previous page) is set to “Yes”, the increment pad length should be higher than the number of anticipated digits in your order number – eg. When 10,000 orders are anticipated, an increment pad length of 7 or more is recommended.

Increment Step (1.0.0+)

Set the increment used for generating consecutive order numbers. For example:

  • 1 = 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1235...
  • 2 = 1231, 1233, 1235, 1237, 1239...
  • 33 = 1231, 1264, 12397...

Some companies use this approach to throw off the competition by making it harder to guess order volumes based on invoice numbering.

For this setting to take effect, you must use the {ID} command in the Order/Invoice/Shipment/Credit Memo Format setting.

Duplicate Separator (1.0.0+)

Enter a character to use as a duplicate separator (eg. / : -)

If no character is entered and a duplicate separator is required, the default character used is -

{DUPID} Padding Length (1.0.0+)

Enter the minimum number of additional zeros assigned to the duplicate identifier {DUPID} as “padding”. For example:

  • 1 = 1
  • 2 = 01
  • 6 = 000001

Start {DUPID} at 1 (1.0.6+)

When set to “Yes”, the duplicate separator will start at 1, for example:

  • Orders 2013-1, 2013-2, 2013-3

This means you can start order/invoice/shipment/credit memo numbers on a new year/month/other time period.

When set to “No”, the first order in the new sequence does not use a duplicate separator. The same sequence would be:

  • Orders 2013, 2013-1, 2013-2, 2013-3

Next Order/Invoice/Shipment/Credit Memo Number (1.0.0+)

Enter the number you wish to start the order number from. Start at 1, or choose to start at a higher number to resume a current numbering structure or to make sales volumes appear higher. Enter this number unformatted, regardless of the chosen increment pad number (eg. enter 500, not 00500).

You may change this setting as often as needed. Once entered and saved, this field will appear blank next time you open the settings. This is normal and your previous setting has been saved – it will just not be visible each time you open or refresh the page.

For this setting to take effect, you must use the {ID} command in the Order/Invoice/Shipment/Credit Memo Format setting. 

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