Conflict with Embedded ERP

Because the Embedded ERP extension creates some custom pdf documents which are usually combined with the output of the default Magento pdfs, it can be a little tricky to run this together with Pdf Customiser. This overlap only applies if you use the pdf documents created from inside the ERP system. If you don't use this functionality, we aren't aware of any conflicts.

We do have clients which use the pdf documents created from inside the ERP system together with Fooman Pdf Customiser. There are a couple of things to consider: 

1. Pdf Customiser includes a compatibility mode which allows you to combine the output of the ERP and Fooman Pdf Customiser pdfs - however it's important to note that we do not test this on an ongoing basis. Some features of Pdf Customiser will also be disabled (the ability to change the name of downloaded pdf documents, and the option to have pdf documents open in a new window).

To enable this mode, in /app/code/community/Fooman/PdfCustomiser/Model/Abstract.php change const COMPAT_MODE = false; to const COMPAT_MODE = true;

2. Because of this known conflict, our standard email support does not cover troubleshooting for this. Any technical support required to look into any issues you might encounter or customisations you may require would need to be charged at our hourly rate. Please enquire for details. 

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