2. Configure General Settings (including Maxmind Fraud)
Click on System > Configuration > Sales > Payment Services.
Maxmind Key (v1.0.0+)
Enter your Maxmind key.
Number of Queries Left (v1.0.0+)
Displays how many Maxmind queries you have left for the current month.
Maxmind Value Threshold (v1.0.0+)
Enable Maxmind fraud checking for orders over this amount (in your store's base currency). For example, you might set this value to $20 due to the cost of running the fraud check.
Maxmind Fraud Threshold (v1.0.0+)
Enter a value between 0 and 100 for the Maxmind 'fraud threshold' – the Maxmind fraud value over which you consider the order to be a fraud risk so will assign a [Suspected Fraud] order status.
Hide Methods (v1.0.0+)
Set to “Yes” to automatically hide Payment Express as a payment method if the specified Maxmind hide threshold (below) is exceeded. This will prevent an order from being placed.
Maxmind Hide Threshold (v1.0.0+)
Enter a value between 0 and 100 for the Maxmind 'hide threshold' – the Maxmind fraud value over which you want to hide Payment Express as a payment method.
Enable Automatic Purging of Expired Billing Agreements (v1.1.0+)
When set to “Yes”, any expired credit cards (from
Start Time of Cron Job (v1.1.0+)
Choose what time you want to run the daily automatic purging of expired billing agreements. This uses system resources, so it's better to have the process run at quieter times/overnight.
Order Status (Suspected Fraud) (v1.0.0+)
Select the status to assign to new orders which exceed the specified Maxmind fraud threshold (above). All options with the status code [Payment Review] under System > Configuration > Order Statuses will be included in the
Select “Suspected Fraud” to require an order to be manually reviewed (rather than automatically accepted). After completing due diligence to investigate the identified risk and consult the customer history (if any), you can decide whether to accept or reject the order.
When your chosen Maxmind Fraud Threshold has been exceeded, two new buttons appear on the order view page of the individual order - “Accept Payment” and “Deny Payment”:
All transactions marked as suspected fraud will be authorised only. If you use the “Deny Payment” button (above) or if no action is taken, the
If you use the “Accept Payment” button (above), this will automatically trigger capturing the amount marked for
Maxmind offers the following advice for setting fraud and
“There is no single recommended set of riskScore values to use for deciding whether to accept, reject, manually review, or submit transactions to complementary services for analysis. In determining what thresholds to set, you should consider the costs of chargebacks and lost goods, the cost of manual review, the cost of complementary services, and the cost of potentially rejecting good orders.
A recommended strategy is to at first only automatically accept orders under a low riskScore (e.g. 3.00), only automatically reject orders above a high riskScore (e.g. 70.00), and manually review all other transactions. After monitoring the riskScores received for the manually reviewed transactions, you can adjust the thresholds appropriately to reduce the amount of manual review required.
Below is the distribution of riskScores returned by the minFraud service across all users. You can use this data to estimate the number of orders that will be approved, rejected, or held back for review given the thresholds you set. Please note that the distribution of riskScores you observe may differ.”
Maxmind Fraud Scores
Maxmind fraud scores are displayed in each order, under “Payment Information”. Summary information is displayed by default. Click on the arrow to expand the fraud score details.
Example Order: Below the Specified Fraud Threshold (Maxmind Risk Score – 0.10)
Example Order: Above the Specified Fraud Threshold (Maxmind Risk Score – 56.36)