There was an error processing...” page

The error page contains a reference number at the bottom. The reference number corresponds to a file placed on your server in /var/report/ 

Opening this file will contain more information about the reason for the error. If the error report mentions files from includes/src folder, it’s likely that Magento’s compilation mode was not disabled (Step 1 of this guide). 

If this is the case, you won’t have access to the Magento backend. To recover from this, disable compilation mode by editing includes/config.php. Change the content to: 




If this was the cause for the error, your Magento backend will now be functional again. 

You now need to rerun the compilation process: 

Go to System > Tools > Compilation and hit the “Run Compilation Process” button to update the compiled state with the newly installed extension.

If you need further assistance, contact us with the contents of this error log.

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