Uninstall Fooman Pdf Customiser
If you need to uninstall Fooman Pdf Customiser, here's what to do:
Delete all Fooman Pdf Customiser files/folders:
- media/pdf-printouts/
- media/pdfs/
- app/code/community/Fooman/PdfCustomiser/
- app/etc/modules/Fooman_PdfCustomiser.xml
- app/design/frontend/base/default/template/fooman/pdfcustomiser/lib/tcpdf/
- All Fooman_PdfCustomiser.csv translation files found in the folders under app/locale/
Also delete all Fooman Email Attachments files/folders:
- app/code/community/Fooman/EmailAttachments/
- app/etc/modules/Fooman_EmailAttachments.xml
- All Fooman_EmailAttachments.csv translation files found in the folders under app/locale/