Where can I find support for Fooman Speedster Advanced?

For troubleshooting, please:

  • Follow the installation instructions and all troubleshooting steps in the Fooman Support Centre 
  • Ensure that your store does not already contains minified files
  • Ensure that your store does not contain significant Javascript customisation work, and that any added non-default Javascript files follow best practice (you can test with www.jslint.com)
  • Ensure that you are not running any conflicting extensions, as this can conflict with CSS

This usually solves 95% of issues we receive. 

Feel free to report any suspected bugs with the extension, however please note that we are unable to provide individual support or troubleshooting advice as this is a free extension.

If an error still persists after following the instructions and troubleshooting advice above, please contact your Magento developer or disable the extension.

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