Change the custom label position

1. Edit the following file:


2. If you are using "Single – Billing Address Label", search for this piece of code: 

case 'singlebilling':
                $this->SetAutoPageBreak(false, 85);
                $this->SetXY(-180, -67);
                $this->writeHTMLCell(75, 0, null, null, $billingAddress, null, 0);
                $this->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 85);

If you are using another label type, these are listed below the above piece of code.

Dimensions to change are: 

  • 75 is the width of the label in mm 
  • -180 is the distance in mm from the right paper edge 
  • -67 is the distance in mm from the page bottom

If you place the labels higher than 85mm from the page bottom, you will need to increase the 'SetAutoPageBreak' value to prevent your labels being overwritten by page content.

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