Order PDF Settings
This is a new option added by the Fooman Pdf Customiser extension, which enables an “Order Confirmation” Pdf to be generated.
Order Title (v1.1.0+)
Enter a title for the order pdf.
Customer Addresses (v1.1.0+)
Which addresses should appear on the pdf? Choose shipping address, billing address or both (downloadable product orders won't have a shipping address). Swapping around the order of the billing and shipping addresses is possible – see this FAQ.
You can customise the address format by accessing System > Configuration > Customer Configuration > Address Templates > Pdf. The | character will be converted into a line break.
Columns (v2.0.0+)
Control-click to select the columns you want to display in the pdf. Choose from:
- Position (orders the products automatically by adding a number)
- Product name
- Product name with extra white space
- Product + SKU (displays the product name and SKU, separated by a line break)
- SKU barcode (displays the SKU as a barcode - if enabled, you also need to select a setting for “Barcode Type” in the Pdf Customiser by Fooman settings)
- Product image
- Price
- Discount
- Qty
- Qty ordered
- Qty back ordered
- Qty detailed
- Item status
- Tax
- Tax rate
- Subtotal
- Alternative subtotal
- Row total
- Custom columns 1-5 (must be enabled under ”Custom Attribute Column” (in the Pdf Customiser by Fooman settings)
There is no maximum number, but the more columns you select, the smaller they will become in order to fit on the same page.
Sort by Column (v2.3.0+)
Choose which column to sort items by (alphabetical/ascending order). The default setting retains current Magento settings.
Columns Advanced (v2.0.0+)
Use the following JSON encoded string to further customise the order and width of columns in the pdf (the order of the items determines the ordering of the columns and the numbers represent the relative width of each column):
Custom Text (v1.1.0+)
Add custom text to appear at the bottom of the pdf. Use free text, simple html or {{}} commands. Refer to {{}} Commands for more information.