4. DPS Webservice by Fooman (3D Secure Enabled) Settings
Click on System > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods.
These settings apply if you want to use your Payment Express Webservice account to accept payments in Magento, with optional use of the 3D Secure feature.
Ignore the “3D Secure Credit Card Validation” settings under System > Configuration > Sales > Payment Services. These apply only to Magento's inbuilt Centinel service.
Enabled (v1.0.0+)
Set to “Yes” to enable using your Payment Express Webservice account to accept payments in Magento.
Use in Frontend Checkout (v1.1.0+)
Set to “Yes” to enable Webservice to be displayed as a payment method in the frontend checkout. If set to “No”, Webservice will not be shown to a customer in the frontend during checkout, but the payment method will be available to you in the backend (eg. for backend orders).
Title (v1.0.0+)
Enter the title of the payment option that will be displayed to the customer (eg. Secure Credit Card Payment”).
Credit Card Types (v1.0.0+)
Control-click to select which credit cards you want to accept using this payment method.
Username (v1.0.0+)
Enter your Payment Express Webservice username.
Password (v1.0.0+)
Enter your Payment Express Webservice password.
Use Maxmind Fraud Detection (v1.0.0+)
Select “Yes” to enable Maxmind fraud detection when using Payment Express Webservice as a payment method. You need to have a Maxmind account to use this feature.
Enable 3D Secure (v1.0.0+)
Set to “Yes” to enable the 3D Secure security feature. When set to “No”, the Payment Express Webservice will be used as a payment method without the 3D security feature.
3D Secure uses the Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode schemes. If a customer has set up a password on their credit card, they are required to enter the password (along with their credit card number and expiry date) to submit the payment. The password will be authenticated against their bank as part of the checkout process. Once the customer's bank has verified the password, the transaction will be completed.
Payment Action (v1.0.0+)
Select a payment action when an order is placed:
Authorize only (note: you will still need to complete the transaction at a later stage – see Using 'Authorise and Capture' for more details)- Purchase
New Order Status (v1.0.0+)
Select the status to assign to new orders. All options with the status code [Processing] under System > Configuration > Order Statuses will be included in the
Logos to Display (v1.0.0+)
Control-click to select which credit card logos you want to appear on the payment page at checkout. The Payment Express logo is always displayed by default.
Further customisations can be done by editing the template file
Payment from Applicable Countries (v1.0.0+)
Allow payment from:
- All allowed countries (specified under System > Configuration > General)
- Specific countries (specify below)
Payment from Specific Countries (v1.0.0+)
If you selected “specific countries” above, control-click to select all countries you wish to allow payments from.
Minimum Order Total (v1.0.0+)
Enter a minimum order total that must be reached for this payment method to be displayed at checkout. Do not enter any currency symbols (amount will be in the store's base currency).
Maximum Order Total (v1.0.0+)
Enter a maximum order total that must not be exceeded for this payment method to be displayed at checkout. Do not enter any currency symbols (amount will be in the store's base currency).
Leave blank if you do not want to specify a maximum order total amount.
Sort Order (v1.0.0+)
This setting allows you to adjust the order of where different payment methods appear at checkout (where multiple methods are available).
Payment methods will be ordered according to the assigned number - for example, enter 1 for the payment method you wish to appear first, 2 for the payment method you wish to appear next, and so on.
Enable Logging/Debug (v1.0.0+)
If any issues are encountered with this extension or using Payment Express as a Magento payment method, set to “yes” to create additional logging information to help identify the issue:
- Log files created under /var/log
- Entries in the database table magebasedps_debug
Test Mode (v1.0.0+)
If you have been given a Payment Express test account, set to “Yes” to enable test mode.