Step 6 - Google Adwords Conversion by Fooman Settings
If you’re using Google Adwords, configure the settings in this section to track an Adwords conversion goal for the checkout success.
Enable Adwords Conversion Tracking (v0.9.0+)
Set to “Yes” to enable Google Adwords conversion tracking. The checkout success page is where the 'conversion' is measured.
Conversion ID (v0.9.0+)
Enter the conversion ID. This is located in the code automatically generated by Google when setting up your Adwords conversion in Step 3 (shown in the first white box in the screenshot).
Conversion Language (v0.9.0+)
Choose a language for your conversion goal.
Conversion Label (v0.10.6+)
Enter the conversion label. This is located in the code automatically generated by Google when setting up your Adwords conversion in Step 3 (shown in the second white box in the screenshot).
Debug (v0.16+)
If enabled, this will use the debug versions of the Google tracking scripts which will send detailed information to your browser's console.